So just wipe a dirty surface with any rag, right? Nope. With over 100 Years of experience with manufacturing wiping products, we want to share some cleaning tips for your facility. Hey, cleaning is not the most exciting topic, but keeping people healthy does matter so read on.

Why Use Microfiber?
Let’s start with microfiber towels and mops which are a must-have tool for cleaning services because they clean better and faster than sponges, paper towels or cloth rags. A synthetic material, microfiber’s fine strands are 1/3 the diameter of cotton fibers so they grab grime and dirt better than cotton rags. Microfiber towels are prefect for dusting because you do not just push the dust around, but actually pick the dust up.
Microfibers also help reduce germs. Our innovative MicroSpun wipes have these ultra-fine microfilaments that pick up over 99% of viruses and bacteria using only water. Ask us about the Gray MicroSpun. Not only can you avoid using chemicals, but it is made with Recycled Bottles. Great benefits!
Microfibers come in many colors which is valuable to avoid cross contamination. Make sure your cleaning staff understands the color plan.
- Use Blue and Green towels for cleaning windows, mirrors, and touch screens.
- Wipe with Yellow for dry dusting furniture, window sills and shelves as well as polishing surfaces.
- Use Red for bathroom toilets and urinals.
In addition to mops, Bro-Tex offers 13 colors of thicker, larger Microfiber towels or Right Rags smaller microfiber cloths which are reusable microfibers at a disposable price if you are concerned about loss. Our 12” x 12” Right Rags Microfiber Towels come in single color pop-up boxes or a Variety Pack with 4 colors. The popup box is ideal for utility carts and breakrooms. Right Rags do not have tags which could scratch delicate surfaces. I love using these Right Rags to quickly remove fingerprints from my car touch screen and the oven touch pad.
Tip: Be careful how you wash the microfiber towels and rags to preserve those important tiny fibers. Never use hot water or a hot dryer which could melt the fine fibers.
Tip: You can dust with dry microfibers or clean with microfibers using only water. For Microspun, you can use it dry or slightly damp. No need to use a lot of water or chemicals.
Tip: Always wipe in one direction with the microfiber towel. Don’t use a circular path even though it is tempting. You want to grab the germs and hold them in the microfibers until washing. If you go back and forth like most people do, you risk putting some germs back on the surface you just wiped.
Tip: Not only do you want to wipe in one direction, but you want to overlap the path by 15-20% to make sure you grab all the icky dirt and germs.
So skip the sponges, paper towels, or cloth rags, and instead use microfibers

Popular general purpose wipes
Cleaning and Drying Greasy, Grimy Places
Got really dirty messes and want a disposable wipe option? We manufacture a variety of absorbent and strong non-woven wipes that are more absorbent than paper towels and lower in lint.
DRC is great for absorbing liquids but feels like a cloth. It is soft enough to also be used for wiping hands/face. I personally like the Tan color because of the thick feel and high recycled content. The Scrim material is popular for windows because of the low lint and strength from the nylon strings between the tissue layers. We also have hydro-entangled wipes that are popular for wiping sensitive equipment or need to be resistant to solvents.
All of Bro-Tex’s non-wovens come packed in case sizes for businesses. Call us if you want a small sample to try.
Tip: Instead of paper towels or cloth rags, clean up big messes with strong but disposable non-woven wipes.
We sometimes see people clean a dirty area by holding a paper towel or cloth rag in the middle. Once it is dirty, they get another one. There is a better way.
Tip: Get more out of any of your wipes by starting with them folded in fourths to reduce usage. Use ¼, then flip it over to use a clean surface. Then unfold and start using the 2 clean areas inside.

Cleaning Kitchens and Breakrooms
Wipe out any splatter in the microwave to avoid fires
What About Cleaning Break Rooms/Kitchens?
The sinks, refrigerators and microwaves can get dirty fast in shared breakrooms. Keep microfiber rags or cloth towels in the kitchen area so others can quickly wipe up spills before they get too hard or damage surfaces.
Tip: Don’t let food splatters stay in the microwave because they can cause a fire (I have insider knowledge on microwave fires from a former job so definitely keep the microwave clean). Use warm water and a rag to get the food off. If that doesn’t work, fill a microwave-safe bowl with 1 cup of water and combine with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or several tablespoons of baking soda. Microwave for 2 to 5 minutes and allow the dish to cool before removing.
Tip: No one likes that job of going through the shared refrigerator but go through the frig weekly to avoid funky odors from expired food. Wipe up food residue with a warm rag and mild dish soap, then dry with a microfiber towel. Let any glass components warm to room temperature before bringing them into contact with hot water; otherwise, they might crack.
Tip: If you have stainless steel sinks and surfaces, towel dry immediately to avoid spots caused by minerals in tap water. If the spots have built up, try to buff them out with a clean towel or rag. If necessary, you may try to remove mineral stains with one part vinegar and one part warm water, then wipe. Spots hurt that sparkling clean look you want.
Tip: Be sure to wipe down the faucets and the basin area. If people are ill in your facility, regularly use a disinfecting wipe on the faucets.
Tip: If your counters are made with granite or stone, you should use cleaning supplies specifically made for that kind of countertop, then buff with a dry towel.
What About Wood Cabinets and Furniture?
Tip: On unfinished wood, only use a dry microfiber. Even water on unfinished or poorly finished wood can damage the surface.
Tip: Wipe up any spilled liquids right away on wood. Liquids that are left on even finished wood can damage the surface.

Fresh Start FX Disinfecting Wipes
700 and 800 count rolls for fitness locations and high traffic facilities

Fresh Start Disinfecting Wipes
Fresh Start 160 count canister and 300 count bucket
How to Sanitize and Disinfect Surfaces
Years ago people cared if surfaces looked dirty. With COVID, we all became aware that lookin’ good is not good enough. Gotta get those germs to keep employees and visitors safe.
Think disinfectants and santizers are the same? Actually sanitizers kill bacteria. They are not formulated to kill viruses like colds, flu and COVID.
Our Fresh Start Sanitizing Wipes are a budget friendly way to kill bacteria that will not harm plastics or vinyl. They work great on hands because there is no alcohol to sting cracks in the skin.
Disinfectants attack bacteria, viruses and fungus. Both Fresh Start Disinfecting Wipes and Fresh Start FX (large rolls) are EPA registered which means they have passed extensive testing. Both kill 99.9% of bacteria in 15 seconds and also kill viruses. Neither has alcohol or bleach. Both kill SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in just 30 seconds!
The Fresh Start FX are bulk rolls (700 count and 800 count rolls) designed for high traffic facilities. They are popular for gyms and health clubs to wipe down equipment like hand grips, seats, art pads, benches, leather, rubber, and countertops.
We often see people at fitness places using folded paper towels and spray disinfectants. Three problems with this spray bottle approach.
- Everyone is touching the dirty bottle trigger and sharing germs as they touch all the other surfaces. Kind of gross during cold and flu season. Wet wipes avoid that issue.
- The disinfectant sprays spew chemicals (VOC, or Volatile Organic Compounds) in the air which the cleaning person breathes in. If people in the area are breathing hard during exercise, there is even more chance for them to breathe in the chemicals.
- Wipes have been proven to clean surfaces more evenly. The risk of pre-mixed sprays is the dilution may not be right or sprayed evenly on rounded surfaces.
Tip: Use disinfectant wipes on surfaces that get touched all day such as light switches, doorknobs, elevator buttons, railings, and exercise equipment at health facilities.
Tip: Make sure you read the disinfectant’s directions for how long the surface should stay wet.
Tip: For the bulk rolls that go into dispensers, make sure you hang the dispenser the right way. Sound silly? I didn’t realize that liquids dripped out if the hole is at the bottom. Most disinfectants recommend that you hang the bulk roll dispensers to pull up so the disinfectant liquid does not leak out – you need the wipes to stay wet!
Feel free to contact us directly for more wiping products for your business.
1-800-328-2282 |